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Connect SlateDB to Azure Blob Storage

This tutorial shows you how to use SlateDB on Azure Blob Storage (ABS). You would need an ABS account to complete the tutorial.


Install the Azure CLI.

Create Storage account

The following steps creates a storage account and list the keys. This section can be skipped if you already have a storage account created.

# Set storage account names

# Login
az login

# Create Resource Group in the default subscription.
az group create --name $ResourceGroupName --location westus

# Create Azure Storage account.
az storage account create --name $StorageAccountName --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --location westus --sku Standard_LRS

# Create a storage container
az storage container create --name $ContainerName --account-name $StorageAccountName

# Get the keys.
az storage account keys list --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --account-name $StorageAccountName

Create a project

Let's start by creating a new Rust project:

cargo init slatedb-abs
cd slatedb-abs

Add dependencies

Now add SlateDB and the object_store crate to your Cargo.toml:

cargo add slatedb object-store --features object-store/azure

If you see "object_store::path::Path and object_store::path::Path have similar names, but are actually distinct types", you might need to pin the object_store version to match slatedb's object_store version. SlateDB also exports slatedb::object_store for convenience, if you'd rather use that.

Write some code

This code demonstrates puts that wait for results to be durable, and then puts that do not wait.

use object_store::azure::MicrosoftAzureBuilder;
use object_store::path::Path;
use object_store::ObjectStore;
use slatedb::config::DbOptions;
use slatedb::db::Db;
use std::sync::Arc;

async fn main() {
// construct azure blob object store.
let blob_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore> = Arc::new(MicrosoftAzureBuilder::new()

// create the db.
let db_options = DbOptions::default();
let path = Path::from("test_slateDB");

println!("Opening the db");
let db = Db::open_with_opts(path.clone(), db_options, blob_store.clone())
.expect("failed to open db");

// Put a value and wait for the flush.
println!("Writing a value and waiting for flush");
db.put(b"k1", b"value1").await;
println!("{:?}", db.get(b"k1").await.unwrap());

// Put 1000 keys, do not wait for it to be durable
println!("Writing 1000 keys without waiting for flush");
let write_options = slatedb::config::WriteOptions {
await_durable: false,
for i in 0..1000 {
format!("key{}", i).as_bytes(),
format!("value{}", i).as_bytes(),

// flush to make the writes durable.
println!("Flushing the writes and closing the db");
db.flush().await.expect("failed to flush");
db.close().await.expect("failed to close db");

// reopen the db and read the value.
println!("Reopening the db");
let db_reopened = Db::open_with_opts(path.clone(), DbOptions::default(), blob_store.clone())
.expect("failed to open db");
println!("Reading the value from the reopened db");

// read 20 keys
for i in 0..20 {
.get(format!("key{}", i).as_bytes())
db_reopened.close().await.expect("failed to close db");

Check the blob contents

az storage blob list --container-name $ContainerName --account-name $StorageAccountName --prefix "test_slateDB/" --delimiter "/" --output table

There are three folders:

  • manifest: Contains the manifest files. Manifest files defines the state of the DB, including the set of SSTs that are part of the DB.
  • wal: Contains the write-ahead log files.
  • compacted: Contains the compacted SST files. This short example does not create compacted files.

Let's check the wal folder.

az storage blob list --container-name $ContainerName --account-name $StorageAccountName --prefix "test_slateDB/wal/" --delimiter "/" --output table

Name Blob Type Blob Tier Length Content Type Last Modified Snapshot
----------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -------- ------------------------ ------------------------- ----------
test_slateDB/wal/00000000000000000001.sst BlockBlob Hot 64 application/octet-stream 2024-09-07T01:15:49+00:00
test_slateDB/wal/00000000000000000002.sst BlockBlob Hot 138 application/octet-stream 2024-09-07T01:15:49+00:00
test_slateDB/wal/00000000000000000003.sst BlockBlob Hot 23388 application/octet-stream 2024-09-07T01:15:49+00:00
test_slateDB/wal/00000000000000000004.sst BlockBlob Hot 64 application/octet-stream 2024-09-07T01:15:50+00:00

Each of these SST files is a write-ahead log (WAL) entry. They get flushed based on the flush_interval config or when flush is called explicitly.

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