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SlateDB is an embedded storage engine built as a log-structured merge-tree. Unlike traditional LSM-tree storage engines, SlateDB writes all data to object storage.


Object storage is an amazing technology. It provides highly-durable, highly-scalable, highly-available storage at a great cost. And recent advancements have made it even more attractive:

  • Google Cloud Storage supports multi-region and dual-region buckets for high availability.
  • All object stores support compare-and-swap (CAS) operations.
  • Amazon Web Service's S3 Express One Zone has single-digit millisecond latency.

We believe that the future of object storage are multi-region, low latency buckets that support atomic CAS operations. Inspired by The Cloud Storage Triad: Latency, Cost, Durability, we set out to build a storage engine built for the cloud. SlateDB is that storage engine.


  • Zero-Disk architecture: SlateDB is easy to operate. It runs as an in-process storage engine with no local state, no control plane, and no replication protocol.
  • Single-writer: SlateDB is designed for a single writer. Partitioning can easily be built on top of SlateDB since fencing is supported.
  • Multiple-readers: Multiple readers on different nodes can all read the same SlateDB database.
  • Read caching: SlateDB supports in-memory and (optional) on-disk read caching to reduce latency and API cost.
  • Snapshot isolation: SlateDB supports snapshot isolation, which allows readers and writers to see a consistent view of the database.
  • Transactions: Transactional writes are supported.
  • Object store persistence: SlateDB writes all data to object storage, which means SlateDB has the same durability, scalability, and availability as your object store.
  • Writer fencing: SlateDB enforces writer fencing. Zombie writer processes are detected and prevented from writing to the database.
  • Pluggable compaction: SlateDB supports pluggable compaction, so you can use the compaction strategies that fits your needs.

Snapshot isolation and transactions are planned but not yet implemented.

Use Cases

SlateDB is a great fit for use cases that are tolerant to 50-100ms write latency, are tolerant to data loss during failure, or are willing to pay for frequent API PUT calls. Such use cases include:

  • Stream processing
  • Serverless functions
  • Durable execution
  • Workflow orchestration
  • Durable caches
  • Data lakes
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